
Empty Hands

all of my emotions
pour out of my hands
out of my heart
and transform themselves into
tiny words
fragile inadequacies
that throb painfully
spill their inky blood all over this page
staining it
with every word that was never whispered
and every touch that was never shared
and you are my phantom limb
the touch of your hands
that i never felt
is what is burning my skin now
and i scrub at your stains
with harsh bleach
but you are in my every pore
soaked through
and i can't stop touching your hands
that won't touch me back
and i am losing you.

i am dripping inky blood
and memories
through the cracks between my fingers
and the harder i try
to hold on
the more i realize
with a horrifyingly raw honesty-with-myself
that there is nothing
for my aching fingers
to hold onto

Explained here

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