

Shed your skins
like an old cloak
full of snags and tears from trying just too hard
to move through life too fast
best described as "well-worn"
stained with coffee and Sharpie
and bleach residue
from trying to scrub out life's mistakes:
the smell of alcohol and his cologne
and even the occasional cigarette burn
trying so hard to disguise with lies
your truth, so glaringly apparent.

Shed your skins
and wipe clean your past
sweep out every corner of those places
in your mind best left forgotten
every trunk stuffed with what remains from
your yesterdays
vessels of nostalgia that do nothing but
hold you back
the things that matter now lie only ahead.

Shed your skins
with fervent intensity
remove every layer thoroughly and completely
until you are bare
until every painted-on mask is dissolved
clear out the dust
that mars the mirrors hidden in that attic of memory
see yourself clearly for once.

Shed your skins
and breathe in the world
let the breeze move you to glide
to fly
among higher clouds in higher places
turn your face towards the light.

Shed your skins
let life
let love
touch your naked soul.

Explained here :)


  1. Wow! After all that cleaning, your to stanza stanzas were the treat for a job well done.

  2. Whoa, where did that come from? "Your last two stanzas were the treat for a job well done.”

  3. It seems as if this person was well in need of being cleansed. Hope it worked!

  4. Sometimes if one sheds a skin, one finds truth underneath.

  5. That last stanza is perfect. I love it. We could all use a reminder to face the light. Thank you for this piece. It rocks!

  6. Oooh I loved this!
    "remove every layer thoroughly and completely
    until you are bare
    until every painted-on mask is dissolved"

    Great message, wonderfully wordled! :-)

  7. I have that image firmly in my mind of trying to scrub out life's mistakes. Good grief! How many people throughout history and literature have tried to do the same thing? Lady Macbeth. Pontius Pilate. Others whom I can't call to mind at the moment. It's what makes us human, of course. And our humanity shines in your line!

    Wordle 19 poem

  8. Great poem - gives a whole new meaning to the idea of "getting naked". I also enjoyed your process notes at Beneath the Story.

  9. yes please!!!! ... thank you for that spiritual read of cleansing...
