

There is a hitch in her breath
     a quivering in the way she speaks
     holds herself
     hops birdlike from one foot to another
          in anxious and uncontrollable energy.

Some look and see nothing but a pallid child
     a fragile, delicate, feeble thing
     more suited to crawl than walk
          the sort who needs those handicap bars
     so small and weak
     it breaks an onlooker's heart.

 She dresses, at best, "off the rack"
      studded jeans and oversized t-shirts
      that tell her story in their printed words
      "2007 Bible Camp"
      "2008 - 2009 Theatre"
      "Soup Kitchen Volunteer - Christmas 2010"
           hordes of memories preserved in a dresser drawer.

If you looked into her eyes you would find
     a greater strength than is usually found
     among women who stand straighter
          in confidence and heels.

If you talked to her you would find
     a sense of humor and lightness of spirit usually found
     only in those with the best of circumstances
     but she is funny
          almost silly, a goof
     a personality that blooms into the most beautiful
     the strongest, brightest, and most inspirational
     of people you could ever find.

Explained here :)


  1. Excellent piece, the young woman is lucky to have you in her life. You notice her beauty and spirit...and share it with the rest of us. This is a beautiful wordle, a gift. Thank you.

  2. The character in your poem appears to be insignificant, a nonentity, a nameless face in the crowd; but by the end she blooms into someone I would like to meet and count as a friend.

    My Wordle 20

  3. Very nice journey with the words.


  4. You painted such a vivid picture here, I got a real sense of this younf woman through your words. An excellent use of the wordle. :-)

  5. I liked very much the young woman whose portrait you painted with your words. You included details that made her come alive.

  6. Beautiful! You are blessed to have such a friend, and we are blessed to read about her.

  7. Yes, she sounds like a very unique and interesting character to me too. Lovely wordle.

  8. Beautifully done.

